Life. Unedited.
A blog by Michelle Meisner
meisner family

Let’s take a quick walk down memory lane, shall we? In January, we had little Truett, still such a baby, and with a pacifier? Wow, I can’t believe it’s the same year. Truly amazing. In February, I remember lighting lanterns

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I sure love my husband and that sweet son of mine. Those boys make life grand. They aren’t perfect, but neither am I, thankfully. How exhausting that would be, to be perfect I mean. 🙂 I love that Truett accidentally

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Any mothers of young kids out there struggling with what to do for the Father at your house on Father’s Day? Why this stresses me, I have no idea. I know Jonathan would die if he knew it did, because

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When did this little boy go from spitting up to feeding himself? I must have been at the store and missed it. When did he start babbling “dad” all over the house and running up and down the hallway? Was

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I can’t believe it. 9 months, 2 days old. Here we go!